Sunday, November 9, 2008

Election Project Thanks

This is a belated and overdue THANK YOU!
Thanks to all of the Frontier students, faculty and community members who helped out with the very ambitous collaborative Election Day Media Project. The Frontier students involved in this Project represented their community very well and displayed a professional attitude with their work. This Project was a collaboration of three teachers and their students: Mr. Boisseau, Government Teacher, Mr. Murphy, Technology and Information Literacy Teacher, and Mr. Merrick, Video Production and Media Literacy Teacher. A special thank you to Mr. Murphy and Mr. Boisseau for initiating this Project. A thank you also to the following people (names too numerous to list here):
  • Students who conducted exit polling, compiled and presented data
  • Students who taped and edited video interviews of voters
  • Students who conducted and/or took part in live web/skype reports and discussions
  • Students who produced the live TV show, including the technical crew and hosts
  • The TV show guests including Mrs. Barrett, Superintendent Nash, State Rep. Kulik, State Senator Rosenberg
  • Tom Zimnowski and Marty McGuane, for TV/video assistance
  • and others who helped out on Election Day in many ways

1 comment:

Hannah C said...

1. Effectiveness:

What were the most effective parts of this Election Day Project? Explain.
I think that the most effective part of this project was having everyone vote. I think everyone enjoyed being able to vote since they for real.

What were some aspects that needed improvement?
(besides the bad video cable connections with Comcast)
I think some aspects that needed improvement was that of better communication. Some people didn’t really always know what to do. The directions weren’t quite too clear.

2. Voting and Elections:

What did you learn about political elections and voting?
I learned that there seemed to be a majority vote. I’m sure most people here voted for Obama and I think there always is going to be a majority vote in some places.
What affects the way people vote in a political election?
In a political election, when people vote a major affect on their vote is what others is voting. No one really likes to stand alone on an issue. They usually just go with the majority so they don’t have to defend their answer alone.
What was the most important issue to people in this Election?
The most important issue to people in this election would probably be taxes. Everyone would like if taxes would stop or decrease for the poor.
Do you think this Election was more important than other Elections?
I do because it’s the first time in awhile that a democrat has been in office. Also, it’s the first time in history that an African-American has been elected president in the U.S.

3. Social Media:

What role do you think social media and the internet now have in elections?
I think that social media and the internet have a big role in elections. Well, a major thing is that’s where people find out where the candidates stand on the issues.
What is the best way to create effective social media for a community?
The best way to create effective social media for a community is on tv. Most people also watch the news to see where the candidates stand and it has a major impact on peoples’ decisions.
Do you think social media sites like youtube, facebook and myspace should be allowed in schools for educational uses? Explain.
No, I don’t think they should be because no student who goes on facebook or myspace is going on for educational purposes.
Do you enjoy working on collaborative technology/media projects? Explain.
Yes, I do enjoy it because it’s the only class where I get to and I like to learn new things online. Before I even came to this school I couldn’t type but because of classes like this I can.
Do you find it interesting to work on projects that involve the community?
I do find it interesting to work on projects that involve the community because then you can see how your community thinks/feels. It’s cool to see their opinions on stuff.
4. News reporting and polling:

What makes an interview effective?
It’s very effective because you then you hear right from the horses mouth (so to speak).
What makes a news report effective?
A news report is effective because they wouldn’t be able to broadcast it unless it were true so therefore it’s a pretty reliable source.
How do media and news reports affect people's social/political views and how they vote? It affects people’s social/political vies on how they vote because they see where the candidates stand, and then they know who to vote for.
Explain. (give examples)

5. Share other comments on the Election Day Project:
I thought this project was very affective and interesting because it got students interested in it when most kids aren’t.
6. Suggestions for future collaborative social media projects:
A suggestion I would give for future collaborative social media projects is to get involved with issues after the president is elected.