Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Instructional Technology- Educational Social Networks

A lot of the Instructional Technology curriculum work that I am designing and implementing with students and teachers involves the use of educational social networks such as Ning networks. The address of the ning educational network for my video/studio production classes is: studioproduction.ning.com. This educational network is a good example of effective, creative and safe use of instructional technology. Educational networks can be a helpful way to work with students because they are an innovative way for teachers to post assignments online and for students to submit their work online. There are many other helpful aspects that can be utilized such as: the use of hyperlinks, interactive discussions and blogs and you can post videos, photos and audio clips. Educational social networks also let teachers moderate the content of the sites.

Another effective educational network at my school is: frontierregional.ning.com. This network was set up by Kevin Murphy, another teacher in our Frontier Regional Technology Dept. Kevin and I will be doing some colloborative work with instructional technology that will include the use of these networks, in addition to other resources. Right now these networks are by invitation only, to keep them safe and secure for students. Please send me an e-mail at MerrickJ@frsd.deerfield.ma.us if you are a faculty, staff or parent who wants an invitation to join these networks and see what we're working on, in terms of technology projects.

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